Make time for yourself with our cleaning services in Melbourne

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Cleaning Services in Melbourne

builders cleaning melbourne

Builders Cleaning

Highest-rated builders cleaning services in Melbourne from experienced and professional after-construction cleaners.

Office Cleaning Melbourne

Office Cleaning

Trusted commercial cleaning service with extensive experience in the industry. Offers one-time and regular service plans throughout Melbourne.


window cleaning melbourne

Window Cleaning

Our specialists at cleaning services Melbourne provide premium service, and always ready to cover all facets of window cleaning.

flood restoration melbourne

Flood Restoration

Flood restoration teams in cleaning services Melbourne, are well trained and experienced to quickly dry your business, and restore it back to pre-water-damage condition.

commercial kitchen cleaning melbourne

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning

We provide cleaning services for all areas within commercial kitchens including walls, floors, ceilings, ducting and vents, appliances inside and out etc.

industrial cleaning melbourne

Industrial Cleaning

We offer a wide range of Industrial Cleaning services, including factory and manufacturing cleaning.

body corporate cleaning melbourne

Body Corporate Cleaning

Our body corporate cleaning services will help to keep your property clean and orderly, providing a healthy and safe place for your landlords, tenants or customers.

Steam Cleaning Melbourne

Steam Cleaning

Our steam cleaning teams in and around Melbourne, are fully trained and highly motivated in professional carpet and upholstery cleaning, and stain removal.

strip and seal floors melbourne

Strip and Seal Floors

RPS cleaning services Melbourne provides floor stripping, refinishing and sealing services to restore the look of your floor surface and make it appear as good as new.

high pressure cleaning melbourne

High Pressure Cleaning

Our high pressure cleaning services hot and cold as well as super-heated steam cleaning cover greater Melbourne areas. 


cleaning services melbourne


cleaning services melbourne


industrial cleaning melbourne

On behalf of our Board of Management Committee, we wish to thank you and your team for the wonderful work you conducted at our club rooms. We commend you on your prompt service and attention to detail. Our premises look amazing, from the commercial kitchen to the foyer and meeting areas. We have no hesitation in recommending your services and look forward to working with you again.

Jim Karas
Lamnian Community of VIC, Braeside
Recommends: Commercial Kitchen Cleaning

Thank you for your continued assistance with our cleaning needs and requirements. As a bit of feedback, when the walkthrough for Delta 4 was conducted with the Client early this week, they made comment that they were very impressed with the level of cleanliness that was achieved with the area. In this instance it has exceeded their expectations. Once again thank you for your continued assistance. We look forward to working together to close this Project at the Airport out, and future Projects.

Grant Grech
Project Manager, Rodine Australia Pty Ltd
Recommends: Builders Cleaning

We are over the moon with how well the office is looking. Steven is doing an amazing job. The windows look great and it is much appreciated what work was done.

Sarah Wintle
Residential Coordinator - Eastside Office, Herron Todd White
Recommends: Window Cleaning

I just wanted to let you know that I was at a committee meeting last week at this property and the place looked lovely. Also the committee were singing your praises. They couldn’t say enough about how happy they are and they all absolutely love the cleaner you have at this property. High five to everyone. Thanks for making me look great!

Lynnette Macmartin
Strata Manager, Victoria Parade
Recommends: Body Corporate Cleaning

We run a large 116 apartment block and have had Jude and his team service us for many years and have been thoroughly impressed with the work ethic, dedication and has always gone above and beyond for us.

Eric Chang
Owners Corporation Chairperson
Recommends: Body Corporate Cleaning

I had the guys from RPS come out to an office we were moving into and clean the carpets. I have to say that I was quite impressed as they managed to get out most of the stains in the carpet left behind by the previous tenants particularly in the kitchen.

Andrew Radics
Mad Scientist Digital
Recommends: Steam Cleaning, Vacate Cleaning

There has been such an amazing lift in the quality of clean since you have come on board. Ringwood Property Services was certainly the right choice! Very happy with everything so far. Truly appreciate your service.

Bianca Cosentino
Amway Australia and New Zealand
Recommends: Office Cleaning

On behalf of INTREC Management, I would like to thank you all for the hard work put into VicRoads. Upon handover the client was overwhelmed with the finished product of the project and we simply couldn’t have done that without you guys.

Robert Rasic
Intrec Management Pty Ltd
Recommends: Builders Cleaning, Industrial Cleaning, Window Cleaning

I have found Jude De Silva and his team pleasant to deal with and they have been pro-active with resolving several issues which were not in their regular job scope.

Jimmy Wong
Teska Carson
Recommends: Office Cleaning, Body Corporate Cleaning

I have found Jude and Phillip De Silva to be extremely well organised and communicate any issues promptly and effectively. Often, their staff are aware of unreported issues requiring attention, and take the initiative to resolve these matters as part of their normal duties.

Lisa Swinney
Whittles Australia Pty Ltd



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Recently, Ringwood Property Services was able to help several retail outlets in Victoria...
New construction site in Thornbury
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Industrial Cleaning requires high attention to detail along with state of the art...
Apartment Complex Bin Room Cleaning
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While an Apartment Complex might be a convenient living environment, maintaining sanitary...

"Leaders in Industrial Cleaning services in Melbourne, we specialise in providing top-tier Builders Cleaning, Body Corporate Cleaning, and Office Cleaning services across Melbourne. With over a decade of excellence, we prioritise customer satisfaction in all our cleaning solutions."